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Which technique is best for me?
When you come in for your treatment I will assess your skin type, natural hair growth/colour, daily routines, as well as your personal preference. Please keep in mind that your preference may not always be the best option for you. I will give you my honest professional opinion when it comes to choosing the right technique to ensure you are well informed and leave with the best result.

What is included in my treatment?
Included in your treatment is a: A face to face consultation, Face measurements and custom brow design, Custom pigment colour match, Topical anaesthetic, After care balm & instructions

How long does it take?

Pre-drawing can take up to an hour and tattooing can take up to two hours. Please allow at least three hours for your appointment.

Is Cosmetic Tattooing Painful?

Pre-drawing can take up to an hour and tattooing can take up to two hours. Please allow at least three hours for your appointment. Pain with vary from person to person, however small amounts of discomfort is to be expected. A Topical anaesthetic cream and gel are used for numbing during the process. 

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